Senior Lecturer, Curator, AHRC Research Fellow.
Patrick Farmer manages the sonic art research unit, is a co-founder of the now defunct Compost and Height, editor and founder of the row of trees journal, founder of the Sound I’m Particular lecture series and Significant Landscapes Festival, and a curator of the audiograft festival. Farmer has published several books, such as ‘Azimuth, The Ecology of an Ear’, ‘Close Eclogues on Tiptoe’, and ‘Listening and its not’, and has written compositions for groups such as Apartment House and the Extradition Series. Festival appearances and residencies include The Wulf (Los Angeles), Ftarri (Tokyo), LMC (London), I & E (Dublin), Geiger (Gothenburg), The Proms (London), Blurred Edges (Hamburg), and Forestry Commission England (Cumbria). To Suckle a Field of Monsters, a book about topoanalysis, is forthcoming.